Thursday 18 November 2010

Uses and Gratification

The audience has a set of needs which the media meet in one form or another.


D - diversion
P - personal
P - personal identity
S -surveillance


Diversion - For the students who mainly read this magazine see it as an escape or relases from the everyday pressures of school and peer presure. They read it and enjoy the games and queizes in the magazine and the poster of there favourite pop music 

Personal - Compainship through identifcation with TV characters through discussions about tv with other people. Outside of school and not reading the magazine they use tv and the internet to relate to things. People who read top of the pops most proberly watch the pop music channels and use the internet to play games.

Personal Identity - The ability to compare one's own life with the characters and characters situation portrayed and explore individual problem and perspectives. They can relate to what they read in the magazine and what they face on a daily basis.

Surveillance - They use top of the pops to find out what is going in to pop celeberity world with people such as justin beiber and the suger babes. They also use it to get away from the real world and they enjoy reading it.


Diversion - They read NME to get away from the stress they recieve from work or university and just other magazine readers they read it to find out whats going on the world of music and the latest songs and artsts and concerts tickets.

Personal - Outside of reading NME the readers most propberly go to gigs and concerts. Watch the rock music channels but they most likely have responibilitys so maybe havft to do work. They use NME also as an escape from the real work and the pressure.

Personal Identity - The ability to compare one's own life with the characters and characters situation portrayed and explore individual problem and perspectives. They can relate to what they read in the magazine and what they face on a daily basis. As i said before they read it so they can relax and remove themselves from the troubles they face at work and at there jobs.

Surveillance - The read the magazine to find out what is going on in that genre of music and what is new.

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