Wednesday 3 November 2010

Masthead Research!

The masthead of a magazine is just simply the name,design and logo of the magazine. Often when you look at the masthead you can take a lot of information from it and get an idea of what the magazine is about and maybe what kind on Genre it is.

 The strong colours tells you that it is a strong magazine. The bold font gives you an idea about the theme. The white,red and black are very powerful , loud colours and just scream at you. The music genre is Emo,Rock and Grungie and these colours shout this at you.

 The top of the pops magazine has and audience of ages 11-15 and are mainly girls. The genre of the magazine is pop music and have artists featured in it like Justin Bieber. However before opening the magazine you get and idea, you get and idea from the Pink and yellow. Pink is a globly know that it is a girls colour and would not have a pink masthead for NME magazine. The yellow is a unisex colour but also has a girls touch towards it.

The vibe magazine is totally different from the other because it has only one colour. Black. The black gives it the serious look and can also be seen as a subliminal because Vibe magazine is a hip hop and R N B magazine. The font is very strong and almost manly. You get the feeling that Vibe magazine mostly has male readers and you get this from the black colour and the strong font.

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