Tuesday 2 November 2010

Process of electronic media

The process of creating our front page and contents page was very tough in the beginning because most of the people in the class had no idea how to use Photoshop , me being one of them. I learned the basics , how to create a font, how to use the layers and crop photos. However adding that knowlege to creating a front page and contents was some what difficult. I got very fustrating in the beginning when I would get things wrong and would not know what to do. As I went along I began to find it much easier to use. Now I would say I know how to make a front page and Contents page and photoshop and this will help me when I go on to make my final piece I will find it much easier.

When it comes to IPhoto I found difficult. I enjoyed going out and taking the pitures but uploading was hard. I did not successfully upload them due to an error in the computer but my friend was able to save them on her memory stick and email the pictures to me.

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