Tuesday 30 November 2010

Artist Profile

For my magazine which is called Listen i have got to make up and artist and create a double page spread interview featuring him. My artist is named AB.
Who is AB?

Name: Ashton Brikks aka AB
AB simply got that name because those are his intials ever since he was little that is what they called him, he mum somtimes calls him that and most of his friends call him that.
Age: 20 
Nationality : Black British
Ashton Brikks is 20 year old boy from tottenham. He has always had a passion for music ever since he was a little boy and his listens to all different types of music but his speciality is Hip Hop and R N B. He got discovered while performing at his secondary school when he was in year 12 but thing started to really get going last year. With his album due to release Listen magazine will have an exclusive interview with him.

Stay tuned for more info..

Photography Analysis

This is the picture on the Front page of listen magazine. This picture is a Medium shot because you can see his upper body and his face. I chose to use this picture because if i had chosen a long shot picture people might find it diffcualt to see the artists face and might not have good vision. With this photo you can see his face and it is very clear. When putting this photo on the front page i did not have to crop and minipualte any photos because the background of this picture is black and i purposly made the background of my magazine black so i could just place it on there. The lighting on this picture is shonned on his face to make it  clear. The pictures i have chosen are almost model like because my artist is popular and even though the artist is ment to be from the streets it will be very common and stereotypical for him to be taking a picture on a wall or in an estate. Where my artist is looking it is almost like he is thinking, the connotations of the picture is supposed to make you wonder what he is thinking about.

This picture is on the contents page and is similar to the picutre on the front page but i chose not to use this one on the front page because you can not really see his face as much as the front page one. This photo is also a medium shot. This photo will be cropped round the edges because unlike the front page the contents page background is white. Even though it is good to have consistantcy in your magazine i would prefer to crop this photo out. The lighting is the same for this photo and is is shined on his face to give the audience an idea on where they should be looking. All the pictures i have chosen are in a studio. I like this picture because the artist is looking, the connotations of this picture is that he is looking to the future and where is he looking?. He is almost looking to the next page which gives you an indication to go on to the next page.

All of the pictures above are going to be featured on my double page spread interview with my artist who is named "AB". As you can see none of my pictures are long - shot or extreme close ups. I chose for them to all be medium shots because i think that long shot is just too far away for a double page spread and a extreme close up but to up close and personal to my artists face. I  chose these pictures because all of them show different sides to him. They show him being serious,calm and happy. Comparable to the front page and different to the contents page these pictures are not going to be cropped out. At the moment the background is black but if i decide to change that i may crop out the pictures so they do not clash with white background.
There is not a certain place were the lighting is facing, the lighting is shining on the entire body, the reason the background is black is because the light shining on him exceeds a lot.
As i said before i chose for the pictures to be taken in the studio to show that even though he did come from the streets he does not have to pose in an estate or be standing against a brick wall like i have seen in other hip hop and R N B magazine which people have made. The connotations of the pictures make you think to yourself ; what is he happy about?, you can see him smiling. One of the pictures shows him being serious, what was said in the interview to make him have a serious face?.

All the pictures are very similar which I like and purposely done.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Uses and Gratification

The audience has a set of needs which the media meet in one form or another.


D - diversion
P - personal
P - personal identity
S -surveillance


Diversion - For the students who mainly read this magazine see it as an escape or relases from the everyday pressures of school and peer presure. They read it and enjoy the games and queizes in the magazine and the poster of there favourite pop music 

Personal - Compainship through identifcation with TV characters through discussions about tv with other people. Outside of school and not reading the magazine they use tv and the internet to relate to things. People who read top of the pops most proberly watch the pop music channels and use the internet to play games.

Personal Identity - The ability to compare one's own life with the characters and characters situation portrayed and explore individual problem and perspectives. They can relate to what they read in the magazine and what they face on a daily basis.

Surveillance - They use top of the pops to find out what is going in to pop celeberity world with people such as justin beiber and the suger babes. They also use it to get away from the real world and they enjoy reading it.


Diversion - They read NME to get away from the stress they recieve from work or university and just other magazine readers they read it to find out whats going on the world of music and the latest songs and artsts and concerts tickets.

Personal - Outside of reading NME the readers most propberly go to gigs and concerts. Watch the rock music channels but they most likely have responibilitys so maybe havft to do work. They use NME also as an escape from the real work and the pressure.

Personal Identity - The ability to compare one's own life with the characters and characters situation portrayed and explore individual problem and perspectives. They can relate to what they read in the magazine and what they face on a daily basis. As i said before they read it so they can relax and remove themselves from the troubles they face at work and at there jobs.

Surveillance - The read the magazine to find out what is going on in that genre of music and what is new.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Music Press!

There are many different types of Music Press in UK. This consists of NME,Top of the Pops, Kerrang and many other magazines. All the magazines are vary because they use differnt fonts, genres , mastheads but most importantly different "Genre" .  In NME , Kerrang and Top of the Pops. NME magazine music genre is mainly rock and Indi you can tell this by the features,colours and mastheads. Kerrang magazine music genre is predominantly rock music. Top of the Pops is pop music.

Top of the Pops -  http://www.totpmag.com/
NME -  http://www.nme.com/
Kerrang -  http://www.kerrang.com/

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Music Press Front Page!

The image to the left is the front cover of the magazine vibe. Its is colourful, the masthead is very bold and there is a lot fo writing on the front page. The picture is bang in the middle which is what the reader is most likely to look at first.

The image just below is also a front cover however the magazine is not vibe it is XXL magazine. There are 3 main colours, bold font and a massive picture which takes up the whole page.

The GENERIC MUSIC CONVENTION CODES of vibe magazine shows that the target audience is mainly people that listen to hip hop music. You can tell this because of the artist on the front page and the colours of the magazine. This magazine targets both boys and girls and the age can vary from ages 14-25. The Demomgarphics maybe hobbies such as going to hip hop concerts they wuld usually dress in tracksuits and shop in shops like footlocker and JD. The psychographics maybe are either students who are at school and are maybe thinking about what they are going to do in the future. However the older people who read the magazine most proberly have a high intrest in music and most likely have a career in music.

MASTHEAD (VIBE) - The masthead for vibe is very simple. the font is very bold and it is in all capital letters. The colour of the masthead changes every week to symbolise different seasons. The masthead is very BIG.

STRAP-LINE - The stapline in this magazine simple tells you what is going to be in the magazine rather than it being on the contents page. The strap-line colours match each other and they change every other word. Some words are in different fonts so the words in the big fonts tell us that is more important and were we should look.

MAIN IMAGE - The main image is band in the middle which means that this is were the readers eyes automatically go to. They way the artist is kneeling down efects the whole front page. All the writing is outline his crouched down posistion.

EARPIECE - There is not really and earpiece in this magazine, there are not any compitions to be won and games to play in this magazine, you would most likeyly see this in a magazine such as top of the pops.

The MODE OF ADDRESS atracts its target audience very well. It talks in slang and hip hop dialect, which is informal which is different to Q magazine which is more likely to be formal. This suggests that the magazine has a good idea about who reads the magazine and its readership.

The LAYOUT AND DESIGN of the contents page reflect a mood of that months issue. So for this front cover the contents would most likely be blue and yellow which reflects the front page. On the front page there is usually not much on it, less text and more pictures.

The GENERIC MUSIC CONVETION CODES employed by the magazine suggest the target audience are people that listen to rap music and you can see this from the artist who is on the front page and the strong colours and strong fonts

MASTHEAD -The masthead is very big and bold. The masthead is in the corner which is different from the other magazines. The font is in all captials which give an authority feeling towards it as does the use of red and white.

STRAPLINE AND EARPIECE - Suprisinly there is not a strap line or an earpiece on this magazine, however in the top right hand corner it shows what is exclusive in the magazine. XXL magazine is often different from other magazine; there is no strapline or earpience and the masthead is in the corner, not in the top centre of the page.

MAIN IMAGE- The main image takes up the entire page. It is a mid shot image as you can only see his upper body and and face and arms. The background is just black which goes with the colour scheme white,red and black.

The MODE OF ADDRESS suggests that the magazine speaks in a formal dialect but at the same time attracts its target audience with its rap features and articles. XXL know exactly what there target audience wants and is giving it to them

The LAYOUT AND DESIGN of the of the contents like most magazine will match and have a consistant flow with the colours however unlike vibe magazine there is more discription than pictures. There are a few pictures but it does what a contents page is ment to do which is tell you what is in store in the magazine.

Comparatively it is clear that both magazine have different intentions,purpose and target audiences. Vibe magazine attract both male and females,students and ages vary between 15 - 24. Unlike XXL magazine I think it is mainly for males and it can be for both students and adults and the target audience is just slightly higher than vibe magazine it varies from 18 - 24.

The genre,mode of address and layout and design on the magazine suggest a niche/mainstream audience.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Masthead Research!

The masthead of a magazine is just simply the name,design and logo of the magazine. Often when you look at the masthead you can take a lot of information from it and get an idea of what the magazine is about and maybe what kind on Genre it is.

 The strong colours tells you that it is a strong magazine. The bold font gives you an idea about the theme. The white,red and black are very powerful , loud colours and just scream at you. The music genre is Emo,Rock and Grungie and these colours shout this at you.

 The top of the pops magazine has and audience of ages 11-15 and are mainly girls. The genre of the magazine is pop music and have artists featured in it like Justin Bieber. However before opening the magazine you get and idea, you get and idea from the Pink and yellow. Pink is a globly know that it is a girls colour and would not have a pink masthead for NME magazine. The yellow is a unisex colour but also has a girls touch towards it.

The vibe magazine is totally different from the other because it has only one colour. Black. The black gives it the serious look and can also be seen as a subliminal because Vibe magazine is a hip hop and R N B magazine. The font is very strong and almost manly. You get the feeling that Vibe magazine mostly has male readers and you get this from the black colour and the strong font.

3.1 AND 3.2

3.1 Genre and Representation

1. Summarise how the reader consumes music in both examples: are there similarities and differences?
In uncut magazine, £50 is spent per month on CDs, which is up £40 in 2002.The uncut readers have 365 CDs in collection. Each reader spends £47 a month on CDs, £23 on live concert tickets and £8.50 on downloads. In total £13.2 million CDs, £6.5 million on live concert tickets and £2.4 million on downloads. On average the readers buy 6 CD albums per month.
In NME Magazine the readers consume music by buying CDs and going to concerts. 39 albums -£430 for every readers, 45 CD singles - £135 each reader. 55% buy their music from major shops such as HMV. 46% buy from specialist record shop. 28% buy from Amazon. Last month 15 tracks were downloaded. 18 albums burned to a computer/mp3 player. People own iPods and mp3 players. Almost all of the readers own a CD player.91% go to gigs very often, on average 2 times a month they go to a gig. Almost half go to an NME gig. At least 1 festival such as Glastonbury a year.60% gets their tickets from online retailers, 30& over the phone.
The similarities of the both are that they both download and buy CD’s. NME readers mainly go to NME gigs; they go to more gigs and concerts than uncut magazine does. NME spends more on CDs a month.
2. What information do we receive about the reader’s lifestyle habits e.g. what other media products are consumed? How does the reader spend his/her spare time? Compare both examples?
Other media products come under things like DVDS, magazines and concerts. In uncut magazine the total sum spent on DVDs is 6 million pounds £21 pounds per month. Concert/live events the total cost in 6.5million, £23 per month on the concert tickets.  In their spare time they go to the cinema £14 a month on cinema tickets, 4million in total. Concerts certainly come under spare time and different ways to consume music. NME magazine is somewhat the same but different. They consume by CD players, mp3 players or the radio. They go to Gigs regularly and they go to festivals.
It is different because in UNCUT magazine they go to cinema and spend money on cinematickets this is different to NME because they do not what so ever.
3.2 Genre and representation
Top of the pops – Music style is pop music bands such as JLS and girls aloud and also Justin bieber. Themes are usually bright colours fun fonts. The appearance would be different to NME magazine. The appearance is very simple; plain clothed both the fans and the artist. Unlike other artists top of the pops do not wear big chains or “bling”
NME – Mainly rock and emo music bands such as kings or Leon and maybe oasis. They usually dress punky and dark. Like wearing black mainly have a lot of piercings. The artists are the same.
If you look at the artists that are being featured in the magazine you can get a clue about what the readers and fans are interested in and whole they dress

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Process of electronic media

The process of creating our front page and contents page was very tough in the beginning because most of the people in the class had no idea how to use Photoshop , me being one of them. I learned the basics , how to create a font, how to use the layers and crop photos. However adding that knowlege to creating a front page and contents was some what difficult. I got very fustrating in the beginning when I would get things wrong and would not know what to do. As I went along I began to find it much easier to use. Now I would say I know how to make a front page and Contents page and photoshop and this will help me when I go on to make my final piece I will find it much easier.

When it comes to IPhoto I found difficult. I enjoyed going out and taking the pitures but uploading was hard. I did not successfully upload them due to an error in the computer but my friend was able to save them on her memory stick and email the pictures to me.

Evaluation of Prelim Task

The prelim task is just simply a taster to get us to know what it is going to be like when we actually make our own music magazine. For a prelim task we simply just created a Front page and a Contents for an Acland Burghly art magazine. Over the weeks we looked at what makes a a front page ; Mastheads,prices,colour schemes,straplines and target audiences.

My art magazine was called ABS Arts , my main colours were black,yellow,pink and purples. I chose these colours because they are bright attrcative colours. The Masthead was bold and very nice and it was found on a font website called http://www.dafont.com/. I chose this font because it went well with the colours and the layout of the front page.

In the strapline it said basic things such as " free colouring pencils and Win a chance to be on Art Attack" I got this idea from what i have seen in other magazines and what I would want to see in an Art magazine. The strapline is both at the top and the bottom. The strapline at the bottom just simply had the web adress of the magazine www.absarts.com.

The target audience was simply anyone at Acland Burghley school who found art intresting. Both boys and girls can read this magazine wether you like art as a hobby or even a career.