Monday 20 December 2010

Listen evaluation

In what ways does your magazine product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Listen evaluation
For my magazine i used the colours red,black and white and a hint of blue on the contents page. I chose to use strong bold colours because i believe they are eye catching and good for my genre of music.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Evaluation and Analysis of LISTEN Magazine

Briefly describe your magazine, its genre and the type of ariticle you would fine in it ?

For my magazine which is named listen i looked at a number of magazines as guidelines and as ideas of what i wanted my magazine to look like. The genre of my magazine is Hip Hop and R N B. I thought about what the demographics and the pyschographics of my magazine are.

My target audience would prefer
 street dance rather than ballet
A rapper named drake who my target
audience would listen to.
My target audience would wear an
adidas tracksuit rather than a suit.

Demographics of Listen -  There intrests are listening to music, watching tv and finding a intrest in celebrities lives. There hobbies would be street dancing rather than maybe being a band which would be someone for maybe NME Magazine. There style would be tracksuit bottoms, addidas tracksuits and Lyle and Scott and Ralph Lauren for the boys and just simple casual for the girls for example maybe shopping in H&M. There religions woul vary as they are not very important and nowadays there are many different religions however this does not effect what time type of music you would listen to. Looks woul proberly mainely be black people as they are the main people that listen to hip hop and R N B. An emo would not really look at Listen Magazine because they tend to listen to Rock music.

Psychographics of Listen -  The age of Listen magazine is 14-21, this means that the careers vary from being students in secondary school and focusing on there exams and you also have people that are in univeristy or working and they could possibly studying something like music or media

As i said before the age of my target audience and my readershop is ages 14-21, they mainly go to school our are in unversity. My readers are mainly teenagers and would earn there money from the parents however some of them may have jobs in retail rather than a big business office.

My target audience love hip hop and rnb music and would usualy have them on their ipods or their phones. They would usually download this music of limewire or ares. They would also get access to music thorught television and channels such as MTV Base,KISS and channel AKA. They would also go to concerts and listen to radio stations such as Choice FM 96.9 and 107.1.
log on to the choice fm
website, the links bel

In their free time they would go shopping, girls would by clothes and shop in places like H&M and primark however the boys would by games such as call of duty,black opps and things like that. Some boys would buy clothes and they would shop and by brand names like ralph lauren and lyle and scott. In there spare time they would go to house partys have fun with their friends, shop, and just hang out in each tohers houses and play music. Products such as hair products for the girls have been advertised because when i read hip hop magazine such as vibe and young voices i have seen hai products advertised. However this is differnt because as i have been reaseaching magazines such as NME and Top of the Pops i have not seen this

 How do you attract/ address your audience?

I decided to use a big and bold font and strong colours and i refrenced to real hip hop and rnb aritsts because it clearly highlights the genre of my magazine through the use of colous,pictures and the layouts of the magazine and the fonts. The choice of words and laguage shows that who it is targeting as i used slang and informal lanugare thought out.

The generic music convention codes employed by listen magazine suggest that the target audience of the magazine are for mainly teenagers and i think you can tell this through the use of font and the use of colour, the colours are red and black, if the colours was just black and font and the font was roman times would see that it is not for a teenager.

The mode of address for listen magazine is far from informal as some of the article is spoken in slang and is written in abriviation that young people would understand and some adults who read Q magazine would possibly not understand.

The features of the magazine suggest that the target audience would read Listen Magazine as a form of escape from the pressues and difficults of school and exams and maybe the pressures of work but mainly the pressures of schoola nd college and kids doing there GCSE'S and A - LEVELS, i made this type of magaine because i know what it is like and i myself read the magazine as an escape. Also thwy might just want to read it fo fun and when you on a break they would read it. Reading a magazine,watching tv programmes such as 90210,listening to music is all seen as an escape.Some people read these magazine as a get away and they can reate to some of the thing thats read in the magazine, in my magazine there is an agony aunt which helps people who send in their letters and need advice. The main reason my target audience would read my magazine is simply that they want to know whats going on the music industry, they want to which aritst is working with who and which artists new album is coming out. That is exactly what my doible page spread is doing the interview is a tell all interviw and this is exactly what my target audience want to know.

They layout and design of Listen Front page is very simple and is very simlar to all the other magazines, it consits of the:masthead, strapline, the main picture and many other things. The masthead is very big and bold and font (which i downloaded from is very sharp and i thought it wa perfect for my hip hop and RNB magazine. I didnt use a typical grafiti like font because i thought that it has been done already and is very commom. At the top of my magazine it says "Top 50 sexist hip hop men and women" i chose this because it is not somthing you see in every issue of a hip hip magazine and i thought it would give it an exclusive glow and i thought thay my targt audience would really enjoy and get the whole idea, it reads both men and women  so that it attracts to both men and women, boys and girls. It clearly says in big font thaty there is an exclusive interview with my artist AB and that is who features on the front page. The colours are Red and Black and these colours are consistant throughout the whole magazine , the contents page and the double page spread.

Listen Magazine Masthead.
The masthead, the strapline, main image i got the font from and i looked at toher hip hop magazine for guidence to help me bulid my magazine. I chose i big bold font that  i knew would be strong for my magazin. I looked at magazine such as vube and XXL. You can tell the difference between my masthead and the top of the pops one and you tell just by looking at the masthead what the target audience and my target audience is both boys and girls and you can tell this throught the use of black and red. The main image is there becuase on the fron page it says there is an interview with AB and the picture is there to indicate who that artist is. The language used in the magazine is informal and almost slang like because i know that they will understand it and that will give me a good connection with the audience and it also a sense of communication.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For the pictures in my magazine i chose to use my brother because i think he fitsthe criteria very well. He is tall, black ( as many hip hip artists are ) and just has the correct look that i would see in a hip hip magazine. Throught the pictures there are different body languages it shows him happy,calm and almost serious and i like this because it shows how different and versiatile he is. In top of the pops magazine you would only see people smiling and that is it. Its just ahappy magazine and that is why listen magazine is different because it shows both sides. There are two sets of costumes were he is wearing a blue checked shirt just to show his normal side and in these set of pictures it shows his happy sides and i used these pictures to in the double page spread article as the interview is happy and shows his nice side. The other set of the pictures are him in a black lyle and scott jumper and these side of the pictures are him being serious and him wearing the name brand and i used these pictures to show that there a two sides of my artist.

My magazine readership would publicise itself / advertise  in /.....

I would adveriste listen magazine in other hip hop magazine so they would get an idea of the the magazine is about. I would adveritise is on channels such as mtv because i know that my target audience would be watching that channel. I would use posters on like buses and public transport because most of my target audience would travel on the bus,train and tube so they could glance at it. I would think about what my target audience likes and advertise it using this : tv,interneat (facebook,myspace,twitter) i would use public transport and things like this.

My magazine would also
be sold in the local newagents
My magazine would be sold
in shops like WH Smith.

I would sell the magazine is shops like WH Smith, HMV, music shops and normal newsagents of the corner shops. It will be very easy to buy my magazine. These places are very important because a lot of peopl buy there magazins and music items from these shops. You can buy my magazine also online fro m the website and like many other magazine you can order a subscription so you can get the magazine every month which will be cheaper. I chose big brand stores as well as newsagents because i know were my target audience wuold shop. If they are buying a CD from HMV  i know that they will glance and buy a hip hop magazine.  My magazine would also be sold in big supermarkets such as tesco, sainsbury, morrisons. I would sell my magazine online because i know that as a teenager not everyone buy's CD and they will download the music so on the listen website they could download music from there and aslo find out how to get a subscription for the magazine.